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Version: 1.2.6



A netsage-netflow-importer-daemon reads any new nfcapd files that have come in after a configurable delay. The importer aggregates flows within each file, and writes the results to the netsage_deidentifier_raw queue rabbit queue.


NOTE: Importer will be deprecated in the future and replace with a logstash operation.


configuration files for the importer are netsage_netflow_importer.xml and netsage_shared.xml in /etc/grnoc/netsage/deidentifer/. Comments in the files briefly describe the options.

Names of files have already been read are stored in /var/cache/netsage/netflow_importer.cache.


The importer uses the nfdump command with -a to aggregate within the file, and -L threshold to throw out any flows under a flow size threshold.

For cenic, data from the importer first goes into a ...prefilter queue. A netsage-flow-filter-daemon reads it out, removes some flows , then sends it to the ...raw queue. A ...raw2 or ...fake queue is created for historical reasons but never actually holds any messages.

All flow data waits in the netsage_deidentifier_raw queue until it is processed by the logstash pipeline as follows.