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Version: 1.2.11

Docker Dev Guide

Selecting a Version#

You can use the "master" version or a tagged version.
To select a released version use the script (see the Deployment Guide). If you wish to use the development version (master branch) simply skip the step.


See the Deployment Guide to learn how to set up collectors, your environment and override files, etc.


The importer "shared" config that Docker uses is defined in compose/netsage_shared.xml. NOTE: If you want to make changes to this file, you will need to rebuild the container

Build Images#

The images are published on Docker Hub, but if you'd like to incorporate local changes please follow the process below.

Build Using Source Code#

If you would like to build the importer container using the version of the pipeline scripts found in the GitHub repo then run the following:

docker-compose -f build

NOTE: The importer container includes the config files for the logstash pipeline.

Optional: ElasticSearch and Kibana#

You can optionally store flow data locally in an ElasticSearch container and view the data with Kibana. Local storage can be enabled with the following steps:

  1. Uncomment the following lines in conf-logstash/99-outputs.conf:
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["elasticsearch"]
index => "netsage_flow-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
  1. Comment out the rabbitmq {...} block in conf-logstash/99-outputs.conf if you do not want to also send logstash output to RabbitMQ.

  2. Run the containers using the following line: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.develop.yml up -d

Handy Docker Commands#

Start the Containers#

docker-compose up -d

Stop the Containers#

docker-compose stop && docker-compose rm

Enter a Container Shell#

docker-compose exec logstash bash #bash shell in logstash container
docker-compose exec importer bash #bash shell in importer container
docker-compose exec rabbit bash #bash shell in rabbit container

View Container Logs#

docker-compose logs -f #view logs for all containers
docker-compose logs -f logstash #view logs for logstash container
docker-compose logs -f importer #view logs for importer container
docker-compose logs -f rabbit #view logs for rabbit container